ooga I've been using a tool called Hyperdesktop on my Windows machine because a lot of the time I don't just take a screenshot just to save it, I almost all the time take a screenshot to later upload it to Imgur. Is this possible?
Justin ooga Which desktop are you using? Budgie has budgie-screenshot-applet Plasma has spectacle Both offer the ability to upload directly to sharing services.
ooga Justin I'm on MATE :/ kyrios lol looks like actually all of them support it (apart from the MATE one)
Lucien_Lachance screenshot tool extension as well if ur on gnome, its pretty much identical to the budgie-screenshot-applet
Justin Ah so if you're running mate-screenshot you can either use a quick curl script to upload to Imgur or maybe use a direct shell script like this one, have just had a QUICK look over it and tested, it works. Edit: Otherwise certainly request the feature from the MATE Team.