Today it was me.
I woke up and after i woke up my PC the terminal wouldn't start.
So i restartet the computer and i got a black screen.
Pmsensor window seems to work but nothing else.
I can type something in the text window but it has no effect.
I tried chroot but getting an error
What can i do?

Solus 4.7 Kernel 6.12.9
Wayland session

What DE (Desktop Environment) and DM (Display Manager) are you using?

    Plasma wayland.

    This is the error i get trying to mount from Live USB.
    fsconfig system call failed: /dev/Solus/Root: Can't lookup blockdev.
    dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

    I guess i need to reinstall the system.
    Just made another backup from the drive with Dejadup.
    What do i need to backup so steam and Heroic remembers my games ?
    I think i need to backup /etc folder corrrect ?
    Anything else ?

    So after a fresh install i'm totally lost here.
    Dejadup doesn't find my backups.
    Discover is not starting.

    What am i doing wrong ?
    System is fully updated.

    Discover open in a terminal and see the errors it prints out.

    Where did you save the deja-dup copies? Do you see them in the file manager?

    The backup is on an external drive and yes i can see it in dolphin.
    I made a restore just a few month ago and it did work very well.
    Not sure what i did wrong the backups are there.

    Discover doesnt start in termainal i only get unknown comand.

    I'm very sorry since my heart surgery last march it is very hard for me to concentrate.
    It would be very nice if someone could guide me throu this.

    Connect disk -> Open deja-dup -> Click
    -> Preferences -> Click location.
    Is your connected external drive visible?

    In the terminal plasma-discover. You may have to install kvantum if you don't have it. Or try QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Breeze plasma-discover.

    Thank you very much Pomon.

    Dejadup has found the backup.
    I had to rename the backup because i made it with kubuntu version.
    Now the backup wont restore because its lacking permissions.
    I could restore the normal private data to another folder and just moved them where i wanted.

    For Steam do i first install Steam fresh and than restore the old version ?
    Games are on different partitions.

    Still no luck with Discovver.

      MikeK61 Still no luck with Discovver.

      What does it mean? Did you follow the commands I gave you or not?
      Show eopkg li | grep discover and echo $QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE.

      Yes, i did it but the command never finnished.

      Your last command gave me file not found. ???