Greetings friends!
I have a computer with a shared nfs folder, the file /etc/exports looks like this:
/home/user/folder *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check
I installed nfs-utils on my system, the one I'm trying to reach the folder from, and edited fstab as follows:
ip_address:/home/user/folder /run/media/user/folder/ nfs rw,bg,soft,intr,nosuid 0 0
Trying to mount and umount the folder through terminal with sudo works fine, but for the sake of comfort I'd like to be able to mount it and umount it from dolphin, when I try to do that, however, I get a red row on the top of dolphin that says the following:
An error occurred while accessing '/run/media/user/folder/', the sistem responded: mount.fs: failed to prepare mount: Operation not permitted
Is there a way to get the folder to mount from dolphin? I assume something trivial I'm missing