Hi, this is my first time on the Solus forum, I just wanted to ask if there is any tool or script that converts .deb packages to .eopkg, there are packages that are only available in .deb such as brave nightly, any help or suggestion would be of great help, thanks



    As far as I know, no. But you can extract the .deb file and then move the different files to their locations. But preferable to complile the stuff then extraxtiong the .deb.

    No scripts or tools are available. You will find discussions if you search the forum. Installing .deb packages on Solus is not supported and may cause problems on your system.

    If the application you are interested in is not available as a Appimage or Flatpack, your best bet is to learn to package using supported methods: Packaging Overview. I built a package for a private repository a few years ago, and it was not worth doing. Too many issues, too much maintenance. As soon as a Flatpak was available, I cut over.

    I understand, it's the first time I use Solus and I thought there was some tool for it,Anyway, thanks for answering me

    You can download from github the amd64.zip, extract it where you want (or in /opt/brave_nightly/ for ex.) and run brave_browser_nightly file.
    You may need to make a launcher.desktop file in /home/.local/share/applications folder to have it in your applications menu.