Axios I dont really look at is as bloated we know there is overhead that they wont
need in the future when the transitions settle down.
So way I see it flatpaks put the extra stuff but thats why one has choice to use them not
I do remember a time when if I had 5 flatpak packages many had no rundeps and the rest had 1-2. I honestly don't know when all this org.freedesktop stuff started swelling up. But I am honest enough to say I don't even know what that stuff is. You are right though, they are minimal MB.
Thought: maybe Flatpak count is a FastFetch thing vs a neofetch thing and I'm not crazy?
As far as choice? 🙂. I will be diplomatic and say my hand is forced because I could never get 2 repo packages to ever function despite years of bug tickets (Crow and SMTube) so I had to replace them with [Dialect and Freetube]. Solus has a cli youtube player(s) that rocks though.
edit: I think for a long stretch I really tried to be one of the 'repo only' - type Solus users that I always envied. I have a healthy respect for those that can make do. It shames me a little to say I needed a couple things we didn't have because I am your complete 'basic' user. Hooray for flatpak and foss.
The linux adventure for me has been 100X better than the WIN life...