lf-araujo Any brave user rocking xfce+wayland on Solus? What login manager are you using? It does not work will gdm, it seems! Also, how is the usability and stability? Thanks
EbonJaeger I've been using SDDM on my system with Budgie and XFCE. XFCE Wayland is stable enough, given a couple of important caveats: The XKB plugin, which lets you change keyboard layouts, does not work. xfce-screensaver has not yet been ported to Wayland, so there is no screen locker. You would likely have to rig something up with swayidle and gtklock or something. xfwm4 has not been ported to Wayland, and labwc doesn't feel near as nice.
minh I tried once after the official release of 4.20, but doesn't feel nice enough to be part of my XFCE daily driver.