• Support
  • How should I go about brightness control on Wayland?

I've decided to install Solus (XFCE) on a chromebook, and went with the WM I'm familiar with which is Sway. For the most part has worked great (aside from icons taking WAY too long to update but that's besides the point), I've liked Solus so it's nice to give it a run again. Seems to have good support for the hardware though so that's a plus!

Main issue here being brightness. Can't find anything that seems like it'd work, albeit XFCE does work it'd be nice to manage it in Sway as well.
Over on Arch I use brightnessctl, which I saw was a package request on here. Luckily it's not a huge deal for me but having an easy way to go about this would be very nice to know.
Ideally an easy thing to shove into my config and run it with exec, any help would be nice.

  • Edited

No one is responding, so I'll suggest something.

  1. Does it work for you?
    Check your screen xrandr -q for me eDP-1.
    You set the value from 0 to 1. This command is supposed to measure the brightness by half xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness 0.5.
  2. Are the brightness keys not working?

    xrandr is X11 only, but you may be able to do the same thing with wlr-randr, which is an xrandr clone for wlroots-based Wayland compositors.

      I could try wlr-randr, might be worth trying. I'll get back to you if that ends up working.

      The function row (which has the brightness keys) will not work because, except for ChromeOS, they will treat the Search key as Super.
      For an explanation (in the case you or someone else reading this doesn't know):
      ChromeOS treats the Search key as Super and FN combined in a way. You can access the Function keys by holding Search (or the other way around depending on settings), but pressing it like normal brings up the launcher menu.

      I have some of the special functions bound with CTRL + their respective function row keys, which makes it pretty straight forward. It's just how I have it in my config file, might actually go ahead and bind more keys next time I boot it up.

      Seems like wlr-randr does not support changing brightness as an option.
      xrandr won't do anything for obvious reasons, it's for X11.