Ohhhh are we going to have opensnitch at some point?
It's been accepted for inclusion for quite some time, but no-one has yet stepped up to package and maintain it.
EbonJaeger Oh I just ran across this and was wondering
Thanks for reply
"OpenSnitch also has a nice graphical user interface that lets you see at a glance:
What applications are accessing the web
What IP address they are using
What User owns it
What port is being used"
I used Wireshark twice but it was too much over my head. Like completely over. I've used every netstat
-like CLI program and too many columns for me foe the basic info. This program (opensnitch) looks like takes a layman approach because I am a layman.
Opensnitch is a firewall. I LOVE ufw but its GUI does nothing for me. Have tried/installed this from source? What's it like?
ive tried it, on another distro, i think it was endeavour/arch, couple of years ago.
i found it pretty annoying, lots and lots of alerts and tricky to train so to speak. most importantly i found out that i didnt need it. the only unwanted outwards connections i noticed was libreoffice calling home (which i figured i could prevent using firejail instead)