• Feedback
  • First come back on Solus 4.6 and... WOW!!

Hi! And first of all, really, a big thumbs up to the team behind the Solus project.

For personal reasons, I had to stop using Linux for some months (probably 4 or 5 months to be exact).

When I left Solus 4.5 (KDE Plasma), I was already satisfied with it, but had some small performance issues, sometimes, with my dual screen setup, and it was impossible to use Wayland correctly. Only X11 worked.

Now, I'm back on Solus and installed the updates (so now, I'm with 4.6, still with Plasma) and... the performance are awesome, and especially... I tried Wayland again... with no real hope, since I was always unlucky with it and... WOW! What a surprise!

  • The driver for my Huion Kamvas 24 Plus graphic tablet which worked only on X11... now works on Wayland... Well, it's a bit tricky, I have to click once with the pen at the extreme right side of the tablet screen, but once it's done, it works, and I can draw with the pressure of the pen. Awesome!
  • OBS, which I think didn't work to capture screens, now seems to work as well.
  • The very glitchy softwares... are not glitchy any more... WELL... I STILL have a little glitch with my web browser software (Brave) which happens when I extend the windows to full screen. Sometimes, the windows display is cut at the top and I can't see any more what's on top of it... But it can be fixed with some patience, and it's not as glitchy as it was before.

All of that to say... I felt really skeptical about the idea of Solus planning to focus on Wayland and get rid of X11 in the near future (I don't know if that's still the case, but I read it was some months / years ago), but now I can conceive the idea of Solus no longer offering X11 without feeling forced to leave this distribution for another.

X11 still seems more adapted to my usage and hardwares... but now Wayland seems definitely usable, and my Solus installation is even more performant.

So really, awesome job from all the persons behind this OS. Thank you for that. I'm really amazed.
From all the Linux distributions I tried, it's definitely the best for home computing / desktop needs, in my opinion.

    Yup they are a good team of developers and it seems like it forward all the way.
    Its one big family around here Welcome back.
    I havent used wayland but others have so if need ask someone will answer.

    Akelun Read somewhere, can't find the link though, that improved Solus support was planned for tablets so things are likely to get even better for you.
    Wayland certainly feels like the way forward for my tablet at the moment. The KDE Plasma Mobile project seems to be a step in the right direction and is worth a look, although not on the Solus repo yet.
    Welcome back.

      I switched to wayland month ago and i'm happy with it on my Plasma DE.
      Off course it's a desktop computer nut wayland made i good step forward.
      I'm happy i did listen to the devs back then.

      1- Try Vivaldi, it works great
      2- Discontinuing X11 is not Solus only planing, while being a part of it, it's something Linux wide. So, better consider wayland as the player in the room, Yes there still a lot of apps and stuffs that are X11 addict but migrations are on-going on different projects here and there

      Welcome back and hope you'll stay longer


        Oh? That's good to know. ^^
        But I'm not sure we're talking of the same tablets... I was talking about a Huion Kamvas, which is a tablet for artists, to draw on Desktop computers. While, since you talked about Plasma Mobile, I think you're talking about touch tablets. It's not exactly the same thing... But if tablets for artists are also included to be planned for improved support, it would be great, indeed.

        Also, unfortunately, I noticed that my tests for the tablet were done quite hastily. In fact, and despite I managed to make it work ONCE, the right click and middle click of my pen don't work at all. It's as if the left click was recognized where the mouse cursor is, but the middle and right click are working on the other screen. Really weird...
        Whatever, it's still a good step forward for Wayland, on my side. I just hope I'll find a way to make it work correctly.


        1. Vivaldi doesn't have a good adblocker and settings as advanced or useful for privacy as brave. Also, it looks like Brave doesn't glitch any more, so, it's fine now. ^^
        2. Well, last time I checked, I heard it wasn't the case for every distributions yet. In 2024, Wayland was still considered experimental and not ready by some users, from what I read, and only Fedora and Solus (and probably some video-game-oriented distributions, since Wayland is generally better for games) seemed to really focus on Wayland with the desire to get rid of X11... At least, that's what I remembered, but I'm not an expert, so maybe I'm wrong... ^^'

        Thanks for your tips and explanations everyone, and for the "welcome back" messages. =)

          Akelun The very glitchy softwares... are not glitchy any more... WELL... I STILL have a little glitch with my web browser software (Brave) which happens when I extend the windows to full screen. Sometimes, the windows display is cut at the top and I can't see any more what's on top of it... But it can be fixed with some patience, and it's not as glitchy as it was before.

          I only use brave since a very long time, but I never recognized any issues. Neither on my solus plasma, nor on my companies Windows laptop

          BuzzPCSOS improved Solus support was planned for tablets

          If that means that Solus - as it exists now - will run on what are currently Android tablets, that wouldn't interest me at all. The only thing I use my tablets for is to read my hundreds of Nook books, and the Nook app isn't yet an option on Linux (thus, it isn't yet available on Solus.)

            WetGeek No, as I understand it the intention was not to provide support for android type tablets. There are however a good number of touchscreen laptop type devices featuring detachable and also 360 fold keyboards that currently run other PC operating systems that would be mostly compatible with Solus already.
            I don't remember any discussion about how touchscreen devices would receive better support but made the connection that some extra drivers and maybe the inclusion of more touch friendly software into the repository would mostly hit the spot.

            Edit. I knew I had seen it somewhere.

            Akelun Fair call. Saw shells and guessed eggs. Hope I have not derailed the original thread too much.

            20 days later

            Sorry for the late answer. I was quite busy those last weeks.

            Anyway, almost everything was fixed. Brave is MOST OF THE TIME acting correctly. Sometimes, it's a bit glitchy, and when I have a little display bug, I just have to go into full screen and disable full screen (by pressing F11 twice) and the bug is fixed. I suspect this is mostly a problem with KDE though. I already had small issues with the "plasma integration" extension in the past and I think it could be the cause.

            As for my Huion tablet, the bug of the right click and middle click which didn't work any more was fixed by itself, I don't know how or why... but it's fixed, so... Long live Solus KDE with Wayland! It's the perfect operating system for me! =D