- Edited
Welcome to the Ryzen world , I fight with those freez since the first day i bought a Ryzen laptop and installed linux distros. Same issue,
I can solve it using Arch but not Solus, on Arch I'm able to change amd-ucode.img and load a different one and I installed a C6-Disabler too available in AUR https://github.com/joakimkistowski/amd-disable-c6 but not available on Solus repo.
On Solus sadly I can't solve the issue so I use it only as "emergency" OS installed on other partition just in case my arch OS doesn't start.
And yes if freez happens updating OS can be a problematic situation, I agree.
On Solus you can only
- try installing AMD microcode and pray there is a new version for your SoC.
- wait for a new kernel hope it solve for you