is this something new in plasma? middle clicking a file in dolphin to open it in the 2nd choice app? - for example images open in gwenview by default, and in gimp via middle click?

edit: which is a good thing i discovered because twice now today the system has crashed HARD when dragging a pic from dolphin into gimp. cant even switch tty, keyboard/mouse not responding to anything

    Lucien_Lachance middle clicking a file in dolphin to open it in the 2nd choice app?

    Can't say its new because I've never tried this before but just confirming the behaviour. Middle click .mkv file for me is mkvtoolnix gui and for .avi it is mediainfo

      Harvey you can configure the order in system settings >default apps> file associations
      in case you didnt know

      Harvey okay
      i guess it doesent happen all the time, first time i think i did it several times without issue first, 2nd time it happened right away


      I can confirm that this problem has indeed been solved, thank you for stepping in.

      It's not directly relate to this update, but my issue is fixed from the hint about Nvidia beta driver. I got 4060 recently and run into "known issue" with black screen after wake up. I tried different versions of this driver. The beta helped, it shows login screen, then just black screen with cursor after logged in (I use Xfce). Then I tried nvidia-developer-driver-current and it works 🥳. At least I could hold this until they release the fix. Thanks for the hint @EbonJaeger

        minh so nvidia-developer-driver-current is not the "beta" driver, it's actually a driver specifically for game developers and other developers working with opengl/vulkan directly that exposes more debug information to help them develop effectively. You want nvidia-beta-driver-current to be on the beta driver specifically.

        • minh replied to this.

          ReillyBrogan It's not fully working with nvidia-beta-driver-current, I know I'm on the edge when install developer version but no other choice to avoid this black screen.

          minh The beta helped, it shows login screen, then just black screen with cursor after logged in (I use Xfce)

            Harvey fascinating context for the sleep state governor (acpi). I wonder if Torvalds or Stallman ever envisioned a foss solution to this? It can't though, I suppose, because acpi is industry standard...
            ...Gates, man, what a quote, I've never seen a man so committed to his own bottom line (hence this is why he's a trillionaire)..cold..I can just hearing him saying after the patent part "Embrace, extend, extinguish."

              minh hmmm that's probably because the developer driver is based on an older driver branch (the 550 driver) and not the newer 565 branch.

              minh Did you try the beta driver before or after this round of updates?

              • minh replied to this.

                Staudey no, I didn't think about this option before. I could test with any specific version on my pc if it helps. Please let me know.

                Ok, now it made it works with nvidia-beta-driver-current. By created this file /etc/X11/xorg.conf use "NVIDIA X Server Settings" app -> X Server Display Configuration -> Save to X Configuration File. I don't know how long it will last 🤞


                Kinda off topic for this thread so I won't comment further than this post, but ACPI is an open standard it is just a shit one and getting people to create/follow a new one is difficult so we are kinda stuck with it.

                If you want to gain a deeper understanding of why its so broken you can read this:

                I had a problem this week with opening Easy Effects on Plasma Wayland. Window opened but was all garbled and no close button was displayed. A log out and log in seemed to have solved it. Maybe a one off?

                cherry-picked python-qt6 fix preventing apps from launching such as vorta