K9T33N please don't select the best answer and mark this as solved for me, I still have more questions
Your question as asked is answered correctly by Harvey in the selected best answer.
If you were looking for a different answer, your best bet is probably to reframe your question to be more in line with the actual problem you are trying to solve.
Given that you later almost accidentally describe your problem like this:
K9T33N Repo item brightnessctl not found
when trying to install a certain package (brightnessctl).
K9T33N but what about keybinds? thats what i use it for
... it is obvious to me that, instead of asking for Apt (which is an excellent example of an XY problem), you could have gainfully started out by describing your actual problem and asked something like:
I am used to using brightnessctl
via keybinds to control my PC/laptop monitor brightness, yet brightnessctl
does not appear to be available on Solus.
Does anyone know how I might accomplish setting up a keybind that can control the brightness of my monitor on my Solus <insert the desktop environment you use> install?
Had ^ been your question, a good answer might have been:
craigtoyoracer Good day I use Budgie and they have a Brightness Controller in the
Budgie Desktop Settings -> Panel . that works great. Maybe Gnome has one also.
WetGeek Plasma has one in the system tray by default. I'm pretty sure every Solus DE has one, although some might need to be installed. The one on Plasma is a combination screen brightness and Night Light controls.
infinitymdm In this issue Reilly suggests using ddcutil
to accomplish this. It's available to install from the repository.
Best of luck.