Getting an error on a fresh reinstall on Solus

Failed to start flatpak-enable-flat Add flathub flatpak repositories.
Only shows up on shutdown. This happens separate from installing the discover store. Nothing seems to NOT be working and enabling flathub on discover is a seamless thing with which I've had no issues. So no idea why the error is occuring.

  • brent replied to this.
  • Flathub is enabled by default since July, but it seems there is a problem in service file we ship. It does not seem to have any side effects, except not good looking error. We will try to address this in next major version of flatpak. Cheers!

    BitTim8 it is not an error. you have to enable first on most distros:
    $ sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

    edit: I've read someone claim Solus enables this at default now, but that is not my experience in new installs

      brent I'll give this a shot. I thought I had written this entire line out but I might have missed the last bit.

      Flathub is enabled by default since July, but it seems there is a problem in service file we ship. It does not seem to have any side effects, except not good looking error. We will try to address this in next major version of flatpak. Cheers!

        alfisya changed the title to flatpak-enable-flathub.service error .

        alfisya ah thank you!!! I'll just leave it alone in that case. Best to not fix whats not broken

        I had also filed an issue somehow related to this in october during 4.6 ISO testing.

        Edit: saw only now that alfisya had already shared the link to the issue here. 🙈

        brent it is not an error. you have to enable first on most distros:
        $ sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

        This happens to me with every reboot. I've used this command to load the repositories two or three times before, without effect. I just copied it from your message and run it one more time - just to be sure - and rebooted. Still got the "error." I'm thinking I'll take alfisya's word for it.

        As always before, there's no apparent harm - just seems like the test to determine whether the flathub repositories are loaded isn''t working on startup.

          brent I haven't seen this error thrown on reboots. yet(?)

          I'm happy for you, my friend. Perhaps it has something to do with our different DEs?

            WetGeek don't know. op never mentioned a DE and in @Sebastian 's open ticket he cited budgie as his DE. mine shuts down so fast I don't notice anymessages.
            As you said, glad the output means nothing.

              brent As you said, glad the output means nothing.

              On a reboot, I also get "errors" saying that my 12 NAS shares failed to mount. I ignore those, too, because the first thing I do after a reboot is run "mount -a" from the terminal, and that mounts them all. It's never bothered me enough to try to figure out how to get them mounted on startup, since Terminology is the first application I start after any reboot. (I typically use the terminal a lot.)

              Perhaps the brief timeout that's involved with these attempts to mount these shares accounts for my seeing the message that you don't see. My experience is consistent witih @alfisya's explanation.

              P.S.: as you already know, Plasma is in use here, but the "different DEs" idea may not lead to a valid clue. It puzzles me that @Sebastian and you are both using Budgie.

              I'm using plasma as the DE.