• Off-TopicBudgie
  • Feature Request: Add Uninstall Button in App Launcher for Budgie Desktop

Hello Solus and Budgie team,

First off, I want to say that I absolutely love Solus and the Budgie Desktop Environment! The combination of performance, simplicity, and aesthetics is incredible. Solus with Budgie has quickly become my go-to operating system because it feels so polished and easy to use, without the bloat that you often find in other distributions.

One feature I’d love to see added to Budgie Desktop is the ability to uninstall apps directly from the app launcher or desktop. Right now, the process of uninstalling an app requires opening the Software Center or using the terminal, which can be a bit cumbersome for new users, especially those coming from more familiar desktop environments like macOS or Windows.

Having an uninstall button or context menu option for apps directly in the app launcher would make the process much more intuitive and user-friendly. It would allow users to manage their installed applications directly from the desktop, making Solus even more efficient and streamlined. This feature would align with Budgie’s focus on providing a clean, user-friendly experience while maintaining simplicity and usability.

I believe this feature would greatly improve the overall user experience in Budgie, especially for those new to Linux. It would also bring Budgie more in line with modern expectations for app management found in other desktop environments like Deepin.

Thank you for all your hard work on Solus and Budgie! I’m really excited to see where the project goes, and I hope this feedback is helpful.

Hi and welcome. Budgie is now an indepedent project, it is not a part of Solus anymore. For feature request, you can ask them in their matrix space or file an issue in their github repo. Cheers!

CC @EbonJaeger

Just to add a bit more context for our new user: If you read some older articles about Solus, you will often read about the in-house developped Budgie desktop environment.Historically, this is true. Budgie was originally created and developped by Solus. And Solus was and still is widely known for the Budgie desktop.
Roughly 2 years ago, it was decided that it is in the best interest of Budgie desktop to be further developped as it's own project.
Budgie is now developped by the Buddies of Budgie, mainly former Solus devs.
In this sense, Budgie is not part of Solus anymore, while at the same time Budgie will remain available on Solus, and some current Solus devs also remain engaged in Budgie development under the roof of the Buddies of Budgie.
Just to give some context. This is why, as alfisya has rightly pointed out, feature requests regarding the Budgie Desktop are now best placed with the Buddies of Budgie.

All right, so could you please add that feature? Souls is the greatest Linux distribution, which is why I'm really loving it. Budgie and smaller nich programs aren't available in the repository, which is my only issue and also that feature on Budgie.

    user345567060 All right, so could you please add that feature?

    What the two initial answer to your post were saying is that for a feature request regarding the Budgie desktop, you should contact the Budgie developers ("Buddies of Budgie"), as it's no longer a Solus-exclusive project.

    Website: https://buddiesofbudgie.org/
    GitHub repository (where you can create a feature request on the issue tracker): https://github.com/BuddiesOfBudgie/budgie-desktop
    Matrix Space: https://matrix.to/#/#buddies-of-budgie:matrix.org
    Mastodon account: https://floss.social/@BuddiesOfBudgie

    Budgie and smaller nich programs aren't available in the repository

    The Solus repository was the FIRST one where Budgie was available, so not sure what you mean by that 😀
    (pretty sure it was still called EvolveOS back then though)