BuzzPCSOS I was rather clumsily trying to indicate how to exit full screen not enter it.
If your "ctrl+c" refers to the right ctrl key (the default HOST key), then CTRL+C indeed removes a VM from full-screen mode (or even windowed mode). It changes the VM to scaled mode, which is interesting, but not the same as just exiting fulll-screen, and it doesn't have the menu at the top or the status symbols at the bottom.
Pressing ctrl-c on a full-screen VM using the left CTRL key does nothing at all, in my experience, unless you've previously bound that keypress to a command. I was just pointing out that CTRL+F is the default toggle that enters and exits full-screen mode. Not sure why you would use one command to enter it, and another to exit it, but if that works for you, I'm all for it.
Regarding tl;dr, I agree with you that it's often true of amateur help files. I find that the indexing in the professionally-created VBox help system makes it easy to jump right to the topic of interest, often just one paragraph or two. It's also available via a keypress right from the VBox manager, so no searching for a video is needed. If you've never used it, it's worth taking a look.
Not trying to start a debate, just pointing that out for the benefit of other readers who might be new to VirtualBox.