FTR, just because we have made a habit of putting out nice summaries of changes, alongside sometimes announcing cherrypicked packages, it doesn't mean that our lovely users should expect everything to get announced; we highlight stuff that looks interesting and the rest we leave out at our discretion.

As it happens, I was the person who approved the bash PR (which dealt with reinstating missing install-time defaults), and who subsequently asked if the bash package could be cherrypicked to shannon.

We build Release Candidate ISOs from the shannon repo, so it needed to go in for RC ISO testing. These kinds of changes can happen during RC freeze periods.

End of story.

    As far as i know this is the only distro that on a regular basis announces description about software updates. Other distros like Linux Mint only announces anything regarding updates when they shift from ver. 22 to 22.1 and so on, which only occur about every 6 months. So i consider Solus users to be very lucky that the team are so transparent about this and it brings confidence in the distro. Lets not push it and demand more because i think they do a lot more than expected already. And i would also like to thank all the good people that work together and make this great distro 🙂

      nolan in the (hopefully not) possible supply-chain attack scenario would be a bit more obvious to pinpoint.

      In that case the hypothetical attacker could just include his update as part of the weekly sync then

        Not just a bonus but essential for critical (security) issues that don't allow a week's wait. And that's exactly why I'm grateful that it works like this at Solus.
        curated weekly rolling and critical cherry picks in between.
        exactly my thing. Super cool....

        will the current update checker survive when the software center dies? i dont like the way discover handles this, and i dont like the gnome one either
        happy to do everything else in terminal though

        tflovik I agree with your statement.
        When Solus Returned from the bump in the road the forum and staff worked together and talked and listened to
        our concerns and that was the end result.
        I may say it has worked out extremely well and everyone seems happy with it.
        And as always thumbs up to to developers and everyone.

        Note: I also think it helps calm things down when issues do arise from what I have noticed.

        ermo I'm sorry for my post, that was an uninformed point of view, and I'm glad the hole project is in good hands.

          nolan I'm sorry for my post, that was an uninformed point of view,

          happens to me sometimes too when i get ahead of myself. rock on.

          Staudey Not me, but probably same problem. Further on I'll make sure of reading the manual prior to any installation that could hinder my system.

          That , or having a good backup!

          I was looking for something could not find it but I realized since june of 23 we have been doing
          this forum format. (weekly updates ect)
          Time flies!