Since the GNOME 3.32 upgrade broke my fonts, I found this invaluable post regarding fonts on Linux: The sad state of font rendering on Linux
Shannon (GNOME Edition) had good default fonts, but PandaSauce recommends even better fonts.
1. Download Google Noto Fonts
From the above link, download:
- Noto Sans Display
- Noto Serif
- Noto Mono
Then unpack the fonts to ~/.fonts
mkdir -p ~/.fonts
cd ~/Downloads
unzip <package>.zip
mv *.ttf ~/.fonts
2. Use the fonts on your DE/WM
Since this tutorial is focused on GNOME, open gnome-tweaks
. Set the following options:
- Hinting: Slight
- Anti-aliasing: Subpixel
- Window Titles: Noto Sans Display Regular 11
- Interface: Noto Sans Display Regular 10
- Documents: Noto Serif Regular 11
- Monospace: Noto Mono Regular 13
3. Modify the font choice and size to your preference
For example, I have modified:
- Interface: Noto Sans Display Regular 11
- Documents: Noto Sans Display Regular 11
4. Change the monospace font in your terminal emulator, text editor, IDE
In gnome-terminal
, I use Noto Mono Regular 16.
5. Change the fonts for other applications, such as web browsers
In Firefox:
- Open Preferences
- Language and Appearance > Fonts & Colours > Advanced
- Proportional: Sans Serif (Size: 16)
- Serif: Noto Serif (or Noto Sans Display)
- Sans: Noto Sans Display
- Monospace: Noto Mono (Size: 12)
Again, modify the fonts and sizes to your preference. In Firefox, you can elect to (dis)allow websites to override your font choices.
6. Enjoy!
I don't think screenshots do these fonts justice; I'll leave it up to you to experiment.
These fonts shine on my 1440p monitor. I hope you enjoy them, too!