oS I installed from a usb drive in the normal way same as any other I find I usually have to run the boot program so the grub sees it then I run customizer as I prefer the display it gives Its worked fine with any other OS I've tryed

I use boot to ensure the grub sees the OS I only use customizer as I prefer the display you get, I'm used to trying different OS's I'm just not used to whats happening here

I use the OS uninstall program just to prove that the system is recognizing the install

Let me try to clarify, I currently have Windows 10 and linux mint on my laptop I have tried some other OS's and usually I just run the boot program which updates the grub forget the customizer as thats just for a clearer startup view for me. as the solus is not being seen by the boot program (usually running this updates the grub) I simply used the uninstall OS to show myself that it was there I just cant get it added to the grub as I say with any other OS I've tried I just run boot program and that adds it to the current grub so its there as a boot option on restart. I'm pretty OK trying other OS's with no problems just until this one, it might be because I have GPT formatted drive I'm not sure but the installs don't update the grub as on my old laptop

    john155 I currently have Windows 10 and linux mint on my laptop I have tried some other OS's

    You sound like a perfect candidate for using VMs to explore other distros. That way you could escape all the grief that's often associated with various dual-boot schemes. VirtualBox is my personal favorite VM manager, although Solus provides several others that may work for you if you have no need create a bridged network connection to access a local share.

    oS I installed from a usb drive in the normal way

    What's the "normal way"? How are your partitions set up? From what you write later it doesn't sound like you just let it use the whole disk, as you have Windows 10 and Linux Mint on it too.

    john155 and usually I just run the boot program which updates the grub

    What's "the boot program"?

    I use the OS uninstall program just to prove that the system is recognizing the install

    Yeah, okay, but Solus doesn't have an "uninstall program", so I'm still unsure what you mean by that.

      I think he means the boot-repair program you can find on other live distros which looks at the grub and os-prober adds other OS to the grub menu. I have installed Solus Plasma twice as a triple boot on an MBR setup and both times it picked up Win 10 and Zorin Core and put them in the grub menu so I am not sure what the OP has done.

      Staudey I Know this uninstall is a generic system program that just lists the installed OS's and gives the option to uninstall I use it more to show whats installed. I've now found out that its the efi file solus is not seeing so its just not installing correctly I just want to get Solus on my PC and accessable

      Some OSs write grub data to a different location to where Solus uses so that could be why Solus is not updating the grub data. Sorry don't know for sure.
      You could try Rescatux which has got me out of various boot related issues. There are lots of choices once you get into the troubleshooter but there are also plenty of tutorials on YouTube that can point the way.
      Good luck.

        Just a comment because I have not done dual booting.
        But just wanted to say when our team a helpers and dev get the correct information they ask for
        the issue usually comes to light and in more of a timely manner to.
        (Remember everybody has lives and everything helps out)
        (This is not an easy venue at times to help people)

        Our little slice of the world here we dont care about someones education or who they are ect ect we
        Just like helping people and making Solus great.

        Sorry if I have become a little vocal lately on this I just see things go around in circles sometimes
        when It should not.

        john155 it seems the EFI system file is not being seen by the install program, I've tried everything I can think of or have read but nothing I do lets the install program see the EFI file so just run out of Ideas