GreyStone is an icon theme that goes well with Graphite theme (Dark). The icon theme is available for KDE, Gnome and Budgie DE. XFCE support will be added in the near future. The GreyStone icon theme is in heavy development, so if there's missing some icons don't hesistate to request which icons I should put in.
It's highly recommendable to use it with vinceliuice's Graphite Dark theme which can be downloaded here:

Request icons/bug report/issues:

GreyStone icon theme uses Kora icon theme as foundation and elements of it will be present in the icon theme.

Tested on:
Solus KDE/Gnome/Budgie
Fedora KDE/Gnome/Budgie
Zorin OS 17 Pro/core
Manjaro - KDE



you are pretty good at this!
if you are still looking for icon theme projects to do as i think you alluded to in another thread i can always present to you my dream icon theme(that doesent exist).
basically the papirus theme as it is, except all APP icons being almost square like this:

that kind of rounding, not as round as icons on smart phones



    I'm sure I'll get the Papirus crew after me if I made all there icons square, because I don't think it's enough changing to the icons to make it a fork.

    I have released version 1.2 via github (Pling only allows weekly updates), so you gotta grab it from my Github page:

    v1.0 --> v1.2

    Version 1.2

    Games: (Steam) Stellaris, (Steam) Master of Orion (4)
    Games: (Steam) Sins of a Solar Empire 2,
    Games: (Steam) Age of Wonders 4, (Steam) The Sinking City
    Games: World of Padman,

    Version 1.1

    By users Requests:
    Added: Clam AV/TK, Collision, Eddy, gdebi,
    Added: Psensor, Session-Properties (Startup),
    Added: Synaptic, emacs, Deadbeef, Dosbox,
    Added: EasyEffect, electron, GZDoom, htop,
    Added: Bashtop, konversation, MS Teams,
    Added: NotePadQQ, Postman, Stacer, Skype,
    Added: webcamoid, Beavernotes, Flatseal, cpu-X,
    Added: Kdiskmark, localsend, Strawberry,
    Added: Tor Browser, SuperTuxKart, Telegram,
    Added: Timeshift, qbitorrent, ventoy, Virtualbox,
    Added: zoom, parole, coolercontrol,
    ... and many more

    7 days later

    Version 1. 4 is out!

    Version 1.4

    Games: (Steam) Baldur's Gate 3, (Steam) Frostpunk 1+2,
    Games: (Steam) Xcom 1+2, (Steam) Hogwarts Legacy,
    Games: (Steam) Marvel's Midnight Suns,

    Version 1.3

    Added: 100s of new mimetype icons

    4 days later

    Version 1.5 is available through github. It contains mostly of user requests icons.

    Version 1.5

    Tested: Manjaro - KDE
    Games: (Steam) Age of Mythology, Warsow,
    Added: More KDE system icons
    Added: Token, Avahi Zeroconf Browser, qv4l2, Manjaro,
    Added: AMD, xterm, uget, intel, Java, QT, QT Creator,
    Added: Qtractor, QTAV, QTDbusViewer, QTAssistant,
    Added: VideoDownloader, HP (Logo), Dart, cmake, calf,
    Added: AppImageLauncher,