If I enable UEFI (instead of the system default) on the Virtual machine manager VM in Preferences>New virtual machines>Firmware x86, do I risk problems with the UEFI boot of my real machine? Are there any precautions to take?

Furthermore, when configuring the virtual machine, on Overview, Hypervisor Details>Firmware, is it better to choose UEFI, OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd or OVMF_CODE.fd?

    1. What is selected for the VM has no impact on the host system.
    2. It depends if you intend to use secure boot or not. If you do use the one with secboot in the name.
FAb7D changed the title to UEFI on VM .
  1. What is selected for the VM has no impact on the host system.
  2. It depends if you intend to use secure boot or not. If you do use the one with secboot in the name.