I do have a Samsung T5 and a Samsung T7 as external usb storage that achieve constant decent 300MB/s speeds. But I think dedicating one for boot media would be overkill. So I have been using 15 MB/s memory sticks for the occasional need for boot media.
@"brent": Sometimes a 4GB iso to USB (ventoy) can be half hour.
This is what I'm currently trying to do - Writing Solus-4.5-Plasma.iso to a three year old Kingston 32 GB memory stick. Fortunately it doesn't take that long.
This is exactly what I want. I tried the udev-procedure you linked to, and it seemed to make a difference by showing slow speed from the start. But I couldn't safely unmount the memory stick right after copying the iso file to the usb was supposedly finished. I did run sync in terminal afterwards and it took a few minutes to return succesfully. Booting to the plasma iso worked, so copying the file was a success. Previously booting had failed in some error messages as I was rebooting my pc too fast after having supposedly copied the iso to the boot media.
@"johano": If you type sync in a terminal, you will know all files have not been written to disk until sync returns you to the command line.
Thank you for pointing this out. The sync program is not ideal as it seems to lack any indication of progress and estimated time remaining. But it's better than nothing.