While I'm philosophically opposed the https://631 route (who needs an outside middleman bridge....for anything?) this thread is fascinating for Solus 2024--2025.
if one of us could crack open the hplips and foomatic packages, there's master brother and canon and epson packages too I think in repo... we could publish an up-to-date list of Solus compatibilities for printers/all-in-ones/and possibly standalone scanners..
..this would be a labor of love and herculean...but the "should I buy the XXX printer?" threads would be directly answered. so would the "I have XXX does Solus have support?"
How revolutionary for any distro to have a real-time list of what printers/scanners it does and does not support. Since a potential Solus user has at least an 85-90% chance of being supported, wouldn't there be a sigh of relief and confidence moving forward, paving the way to an install?
And if we did not support a model someone has, who cares about judgement? they can move along having dodged a bullet.
Some of us were in a thread for a Solus user whose Printer was not supported. I felt bad for that person.
If I had it to do all over again as a newbie I wouldn't have wanted to do factory driver CLI installs which were about 50% effective, or crack open .deb and .rpms and get underwater with that, etc. EDIT: I got what I wanted by petitioning devtracker T83 years ago, but that becomes overwhelming for you all.
I know dear devs that there are more ideas than there is manpower/girlpower. I'd throw my hat in the ring to help compile a real-time dealio.
2 cents.
[If we have such a list then I am ready, as always, to fall on the sword of my ignorance]