Staudey No, did a fresh installation a few days ago with 5.27 and updated directly. That gives me an update from 5.27 to 6.1.2
The update from today was from 6.1.2 to 6.1.3
So, I lost these few settings in 6.1 branch

Ok.. found and interesting issue. The latest update/kernel is causing my laptop to run HOT when viewing YouTube or running a vm

Hp folio 9470m


It is the same underlying issue. eopkg just wasn't updated to ignore that path. You can not correct it yourself and nothing is actually broken.


    Thank you for your clarifications, and congratulations to the Solus team of developers for your well-documented work.

    Just ran a check broken and recieved this after it re-installed linux-current, apparmor, and iptables:

    [✗] Updating clr-boot-manager                                           failed
    A copy of the command output follows:
    [FATAL] cbm (../src/bootman/bootman.c:L562): FATAL: Cannot mount boot device /dev/nvme0n1p1 on /boot: No such device

    cherry picked discord 0.0.61


    I have the same error and now my terminal don't open... so i can't run sudo eopkg rdb what should i do?

      awalo It's like a terminal outside of graphical user interface.
      Press CTRL+ALT+F3 to get there. Then you can login and run commands.

      awalo What is tty?

      It stands for "teletypewriter." Back in the day, before computers were connected to monitors, they were connected to special typewriters as a terminal. Sometimes you see them in old movies about newsrooms, etc.

      Vorta's new UI is missing the "exclude if present" feature.
      It seems like the next release will address this:
      If you use that feature, you can manually add --exclude-if-present .nobackup in Schedule -> Shell commands -> Extra arguments for borg create as described here:, and here:

      EbonJaeger unstickied the discussion .