hmm this grub stuff
1 i mounted the boot partition in gnome disks
2 i ran sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/boot/ --target=i386-pc --recheck --force /dev/nvme0n1
output: grub-install: error: attempt to install to encrypted disk without cryptodisk enabled. Set
GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y' in file /etc/default/grub'.
3 added that as instructed
4 ran the install command again and got
Installing for i386-pc platform.
grub-install: warning: this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible.
grub-install: error: embedding is not possible, but this is required for RAID and LVM install.
anyway, i took a chance and rebooted and it worked fine
edit: why grub is isntalled on my desktop but not on my laptop i do now know