Breaking news! Access to the stable repository has been restored! Steps have been taken to ensure that upgrading is once again safe.

If you updated previously, and now your system is broken, you will have to follow the steps here to chroot into your system from a live USB session and fix it manually. Depending on where in the upgrade it failed, doing the chroot step may fail because executables are not where they are expected to be. To fix this, add links to them from the live session, for example with Bash:

sudo ln -srvf /target/usr/bin/bash /target/bin/bash
sudo ln -srvf /target/usr/bin/bash /target/bin/sh

It may be necessary to repeat this for multiple files before chrooting will succeed. Hop into Solus Support Matrix or post in this thread if it still doesn't work after this for more personalized instructions.

Once you have successfully chrooted into your system, running sudo eopkg upgrade should upgrade and fix your system.

A more detailed explanation of what happened will be posted at a later time, once everything has settled. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this event.

    EbonJaeger What is the newest software update my Solus just alerted me to? What is it for? Is it for everyone? My previous update this week was uneventful.

      elfprince It safely reverts the attempt at a /usr merge until we implement a way to make it safe for everyone, no matter how long ago you last updated. It also ensures that systems won't break, and/or will be fixed, during the update.

        EbonJaeger [✓] Syncing filesystems success
        [✓] Updating clr-boot-manager success
        [✓] Updating hwdb success
        [✓] Updating system users success
        [✓] Updating systemd tmpfiles success
        [✓] Reloading systemd configuration success
        [✓] Re-starting vendor-enabled .socket units success
        [✓] Re-executing systemd success
        [✓] Compiling and Reloading AppArmor profiles success
        [✓] Compiling glib-schemas success
        [✓] Updating mimetype database success
        [✓] Updating icon theme cache: hicolor success
        [✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus success
        [✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Adapta-Nokto success
        [✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Light success
        [✓] Updating icon theme cache: solus-sc success
        [✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Dark success
        [✓] Updating icon theme cache: Papirus-Adapta success
        [✓] Updating desktop database success
        [✓] Updating manpages database success
        [✓] Ensuring usr-merge consistency success
        [✓] Reloading udev rules success
        [✓] Applying udev rules success
        System error. Program terminated.
        [Errno 21] Is a directory: 'usr/share/bash-completion/completions/onefetch'
        Please use 'eopkg help' for general help.
        Use --debug to see a traceback.
        Is this normal?

        My newest update after above resulted in $ sudo eopkg up
        bash: /bin/sudo: No such file or directory
        WHAT NOW?

        elfprince Not exactly the definitive answer but I have just run the latest updates on two previously successfully updated machines without any ill effects. Everything downloaded and installed without issue and the system still seems to be working well after a reboot.
        I am guessing that they are for us too, if we don't install them now they will still be waiting for us on next week's update.
        Congratulations to all team members on your swift fix. I'm sure it has been a very long day for you. The dedication and support to Solus is very much appreciated 👍

        Oh, perhaps I should reboot first, before applying the latest batch of updates. lol

          [FAILED] Failed to start apparmor.service - Load AppArmor profiles.
          [FAILED] Failed to start ufw.service - CLI Netfilter Manager.
          [FAILED] Failed to start systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.
          [FAILED] Failed to start systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.

            Dudel [FAILED] Failed to start apparmor.service - Load AppArmor profiles.
            [FAILED] Failed to start ufw.service - CLI Netfilter Manager.
            [FAILED] Failed to start systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.
            [FAILED] Failed to start systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.

            I had the same problem after today's update. Fridays update went fine too.
            I followed @EbonJaeger post above to fix it by chrooting:


            1. you need A Live ISO or another system you can boot
            2. Mounting your system
            3. mount your EFI System Partition (in case of EFI)
            4. Chrooting to your Solus system

            here you will probably need this

            sudo ln -srvf /target/usr/bin/bash /target/bin/bash
            sudo ln -srvf /target/usr/bin/bash /target/bin/sh
            1. I skipped Networking step
            2. Repairing packages

            sudo eopkg rebuild-db

            I skipped sudo eopkg up and sudo eopkg check here

            1. Re-run system-wide configuration triggers

            sudo usysconf run -f

            1. Regenerate UEFI boot entries

            sudo clr-boot-manager update

            1. Unmounting your system
              and reboot.

            This worked for me.

              Solarmass you chrooted into your budgie? I thought today's update was made to prevent that?
              My eopkg was not damaged in Friday's. Was yours? I'm confused but been a long day.

              edit: I have not downloaded the updates today or installed them or rebooted.

                ReillyBrogan My Monitors are not working right, every few minutes, they shuffle their arrangement at random intervals, and sometimes go hours just fine. I have combed over the settings many times and have them set the way i want/need, but they still shuffle. Any ideas? Please advise me 🙂 I usually run 4 monitors with primary mirrored, but since the issues started, have unplugged #4 but to no avail.

                brent I updated my system on Friday without any issues. Today's "hot" update borked it and I had to chroot. Interesting that my other Solus PC wasn't affected.

                  Solarmass I updated my system on Friday without any issues. Today's "hot" update borked it and I had to chroot. Interesting that my other Solus PC wasn't affected.

                  trippy. thanks for clarifying

                  sudo ln -srvf /target/usr/bin/bash /target/bin/bash
                  sudo ln -srvf /target/usr/bin/bash /target/bin/sh

                  Solarmass, thanks this helped me get up and running again.

                  Friday week 19 updated with no issues, but the fix for that update broke the system, on reboot with

                  [FAILED] Failed to start apparmor.service - Load AppArmor profiles., etc

                  Somehow, without announcement, the updates are blocked again.
                  Which is good since I can avoid the 'hot' fix. I hope.

                  Was going to face the music and update but:

                  Failed to fetch file, retrying 5 out of 5 "": HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
                  Program terminated.
                  Hit max retry count when downloading: ""
                  Please use 'eopkg help' for general help.

                  it's late afternoon/night in the USA.
                  Feels like I dodged a bullet?

                  Solarmass So all of this worked for me, except the clr-boot-manager update step. That gives an error of "Cannot determine the currently running kernel" and I'm not quite sure why. Should I attempt to exit chroot anyway, reboot and see if the system is fixed?