This is the first time I'm trying to make an icon theme for KDE. Usually I made icon themes for GTK based DEs. The icon structure is a bit different than GTK when I look at Breeze icon theme (which I use as a base - it's easier that way).
I'm arguing with myself if I should upload it to git/Pling instead of my Deviantart page, though I haven't any good experience with Pling (the cut the payment with 50% per download and I earn 200% more on DeviantArt per month).
Anyway the icon theme is called "Nature" and will come in different colors to pick. First I'll start with red and then convert it to other colors.

Here's some screenshot of pre-alpha stage.

The next release will be next Monday and contains:

  • emblems icons (completed)
  • mimetype (file type) icons (around 500)
  • 7 colors

If you want your favorite app icons to be included let me know, so I can get into next release.

That's a nice looking theme! I'll check it out.

I installed the icon theme via the System Settings - Icons dialog, but only the red theme is included in the tarball. Were you planning on publishing the other colors there as well?

I'll file an issue for a few icon requests. If you want me to file this there as well, just let me know and I'll do that.


    The other colors will be available in the next update of the icon theme(s). I need to run some color change scripts. I'll add the requested icons as well in the next update.

    SethStorm666 OMG I chased your link and downloaded the .zip. At Pling I looked at your 'other collections.' I realized I was already using Ice Storm in Budgie and never knew it was you! Ha.

    Version 0.9c is available through github and all the colors there. I may update it again to 0.10 before Monday to include category icons.

    Version 1.0 released!

    NEW: 6 new colors
    NEW: Added mimtype (files) icons
    NEW: Added emblems icons
    NEW: Added Category icons
    Added: Brave Browser, Thunderbird, Vivaldi,
    Added: Visual Studio Code, Nheko, OBS, Arduino,
    Games: (Steam) V Rising,

    Get at my github page. Pling will get it on Monday morning as they only allowed weekly updates.

    Blue are always the most popular color and I haven't figured out why 😮

    Version 1.1 is out via github. It contain mostly of user icon requests.

    Added: Slack, Postman, Ferdi, JetBrain Suite,
    Fixed kwrite icon missing

    16 days later

    Version 1.2 is out!

    • Added 114 new Preferences icons
    10 days later

    The version for Gnome, Budgie and XFCE has been renamed "Gaia" and will be available around Saturday-ish. There's a bit of a difference. Gaia icons have more sharp edges than Nature.