ewilcox FWIW, I found the solution myself. I'll post it here to help others: Go to https://askubuntu.com/questions/1293912/sddm-blocks-screen-with-on-screen-keyboard-in-ubuntu-20-04 for the solution. Even though the solution indicates that it's for Ubuntu, it works on Solus Linux too. Ernie
TraceyC ewilcox Go to https://askubuntu.com/questions/1293912/sddm-blocks-screen-with-on-screen-keyboard-in-ubuntu-20-04 for the solution There are two possible solutions listed in that post. Which one worked for you?
zmaint I had same issue, but was able to fix it by just changing my login (SDDM) theme. Apparently the one I was using was not ready to roll for the new version so it used the default... which had the massive keyboard blocking the screen.