I installed Solus Plasma on my new PC a few minutes ago and I'm trying to install this now:
I have installed it many times on Debian/Ubuntu based distros with no problems.

According the instructions one should do:
pip install -r requirements.txt
which failed because it was trying to use Python2 I think.

So I changed it to:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Now I get the following error which I haven't been able to solve:
ERROR: Failed building wheel for evdev
See attached screenshot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as that 'addon' really makes the mousewheel experience so much better on Linux.

  • Then you need to add the python3-devel package:

    sudo eopkg install python3-devel

Try install the kernel header manually as it says in the output. I think it's called linux-current-headers.

Thanks, I did eopkg install linux-current-headers but still get the same error with pip3 install....
Any other ideas?

There's also one that is called linux-headers, you could try that one. I'm not sure what's the different betwewen the two. Oh, also make sure that glibc is installed.

No luck unfortunately.
Is there any package on Solus that does the same thing, or other alternatives that should work?

Though I would prefer to solve this as the linked "package" works flawlessly when installed, it makes the wheel scrolling infinitely better and I already know the exact settings to apply.

Before compiling anything from source, it is recomended to install system.devel component :

sudo eopkg it -c system.devel

Thanks, installed that but get a different error now (again, doing pip3 install -r requirements.txt):

Then you need to add the python3-devel package:

sudo eopkg install python3-devel

Success!! My Solus installation is now complete. I highly recommend you try that wheel mod if you haven't.

So to recap, it was these two packages/commands that solved it:

sudo eopkg it -c system.devel
sudo eopkg install python3-devel

I know it's a longshot, but could that app/script be prebuilt and included in the repos? (I have no idea how these things work, so apologies if I'm saying something ludicrous).

EDIT: I can only select a single best answer, but both of them were the solution.


    It's technically possible, but for projects we add to the repository, we require they tag releases. This project doesn't.

    You could always take a stab at packaging it yourself. Python things can be very straight forward, unless they have many other python dependencies.