Axios the mileage (at least in windows daze) I got out of tools like a Hiren's disk was amazing. you always needed a toolbag of tricks to revive the often-dying win, because win.
I could never get crap like refind to work either. or any kernel/efi boot cleaners. And especially a linux tool that could fix a dead boot.
In fact there is not a linux tool I've ever had my back and fixed any injured boot: all roads always lead to a painful chroot.
that said the fault is all mine because I don't keep an arsenal like that any more for linux. Maybe I need to make a tool-bag CD for linux. god knows I'd need it enough🙂. thanks for this, I downloaded it.
edit: this is nice
"Applications: GParted, Apart GTK, PCManFM, Xfce Terminal, Netsurf, Mousepad, GSmart Control, Grsync, Catfish, Lxtask, HD Sentinel
- CLI tools: testdisk, partimage, clonezilla, ddrescue, nwipe, fsarchiver, hdparm, safecopy, cryptsetup, scalpel, wget, curl, chntpw, shred, memtester, partclone, growpart, ext4magic, rclone
- 1-Click install: Boot-Repair, Hard-Info, Firefox, Chromium, FileZilla, Rclone-browser, Vim, samba, ssh"