WetGeek I have an issue with my Plasma laptop.

At the risk of making this another long message, I won't detail everything I've tried for the last hour, but just report my current status. Trying an X11 session was no help. Changing to the Unstable repo didn't help, either. An update afterwards upgraded 200 packages, but all I've noticed so far is that it changed my background to a silly graphic and I wasn't able to start Latte. I attributed that to a work in progress. But after changing the repo back to Shannon, those changes remained. Just something more to wonder about.

Interestingly enough, I have no problems updating my wife's Latitude, which is the identical model to my two, and also running Plasma. That's encouraging, although I still don't like this sort of mystery. And likewise with my little ACER Travelmate laptop, which also uses Plasma. Update was normal, and no issues with it at all.

At the very beginning of all this earlier this morning, I did an update on this Plasma laptop that only installed 18 upgraded packages. I wrote that off as to be expected, since Plasma 6 is still to come. But all of the other updates I've done since then have installed 180-200 upgraded packages. It was just possible - but not likely - that I'd not updated those machines the last time, which might explain why their updates were so big this time. But I'm pretty sure that didn't happen. So, the 18 package update on my main laptop this morning must be a clue of some kind.

I can probably reinstall the OS on this machine and cure whatever problem is has, but then I'll need to recreate the 200 or so email filters I just got done creating after the last installation, and reconfiguring Thunderbird and Vivaldi are not trivial tasks. So I'm going to try everything else I can think of before I do that. Like I said earlier, no worries - I have plenty of other options to access my NAS in the meantime.

    WetGeek At the risk of making this another long message ...

    Having had no issues updating two other Plasma laptops, and an Xfce laptop, I thought it would be safe to do the same to my desktop workstation upstairs. It was on Unstable, but I left it there, since there might be more to do there before Plasma 6 is finally released. And again, there was no drama.

    After an update that upgraded 219 packages, I used a mount -a command to mount my NAS shares, and that worked just fine. No problem accessing the NAS from that workstation.

    So, except for my main laptop, everything else I've updated this morning has worked without a problem. So I'm gonna answer the survey based on that. I've swapped my Xfce laptop for my Plasma laptop on its stand, and am going to wait for the public release of Solus Plasma 6 before I reinstall the OS on my main laptop. I can use Xfce just fine until then, and I'm hoping that I might not need to go to that extreem.

    WetGeek reconfiguring Thunderbird and Vivaldi are not trivial tasks

    I'd suggest backing up your setting in both applications for easy restoration so you don't have to configure everything by hand again.

    For Thunderbird, you can make a copy of your profile folder to store all its settings.

    Right click your email account and click Settings. This should bring you to the account settings.
    Under the account click on Server Settings.
    There will be a "Local Directory". This shows your profile and the mail account under it.
    The directory to back up is something like this.


    You could also just back up the entire .thunderbird directory to be safe.

    For Vivaldi, check out this help article or this Vivaldi forum post. (I found these with a web search. I have my Vivaldi browser logged into a profile that stores things for me).

      TraceyC For Thunderbird, you can make a copy of your profile folder

      Thanks, Tracey. Before every update I do a backup of my profile folder, which contains a list of all the packages I've installed. But in this case, I have no idea how far back to go so as not to restore things that caused my problem in the first place. So, before I saw your message, I'd already decided to reinstall the OS on my laptop.

      I'm nearly done with that now. I'm just configuring Vivaldi - creating my tab stacks and such - and I've already completely configured Thunderbird. I just need to finish configuring Vivaldi, and I'll be back to where I was before all this happened. I'll be re-creating email filters for a while, but I can live with that.

      Thanks again for your advice, which is always good. This time, the situation sent me in a different direction.

      Hello all. Latest updates on Plasma went off without a hitch for me. Looking forward to Plasma 6. Thanks!


      Harvey gave me the following command to revert to 8.2 so we can use it again until this is somewhen found and fixed:

      sudo eopkg it https://packages.getsol.us/shannon/a/ardour/ardour-8.2-41-1-x86_64.eopkg

      WetGeek I think whatever device you updated on unstable this morning has been updated to Plasma 6 since we landed that in unstable last night. You should probably leave that device on unstable since we're going to be continuously pushing fixes to it while we get P6 ready for everyone.

      Also, switching from unstable to stable never results in packages being downgraded.

      Also, latte-dock doesn't work with Plasma 6 and will be removed once we sync to stable. There's no workaround, the developers stopped maintaining it and we can't keep a broken package around.

        ReillyBrogan Also, latte-dock doesn't work with Plasma 6

        Thanks for your comments. I found out most of those the hard way. Although that laptop is rebuilt now, my desktop workstation upstairs is still on Unstable. I figured there would be more testing and confirming to be done before the release.

        It's a shame about Latte. In my expereience, Plank doesn't run on Plasma. I hope there will be an alternative.

        Good morning,

        I apologise for missing this, but I have the Budgie edition on two laptops both updated okay, however, I have noticed this morning that online accounts has disappeared from Budgie System Settings.

        I know that it installed, but has just disappeared.

        I will have a poke around and see if I can get it working.

          bubba66 Quote from this posthttps://discuss.getsol.us/d/10355-sync-updates-for-week-8-2024 :

          The Budgie folks released an update to Budgie Control Center this week. This release fixes CVE-2023-5616. Notably, sections for GNOME Online Accounts and GNOME Remote Desktop sharing have been removed due to upstream changes making them incompatible with GTK3 and, in the case of Remote Desktop, LightDM, the display manager usually used with Budgie Desktop.

          It was 20 days ago.


            20 days - Doh now I really feel daft.

            Thanks for letting me know, online accounts are not really that important to me, as there are other ways of getting to GDrive and Nextcloud

            Could people who have issues with Ardour 8.4 please test this package and report back.
            sudo eopkg it https://shared.getsol.us/harvey/ardour-8.4-43-1-x86_64.eopkg

              davidjharder other then it’s neat and tidy formatting it make it easy to find and sort by size, file, age, etc.