WetGeek At the risk of making this another long message ...
Having had no issues updating two other Plasma laptops, and an Xfce laptop, I thought it would be safe to do the same to my desktop workstation upstairs. It was on Unstable, but I left it there, since there might be more to do there before Plasma 6 is finally released. And again, there was no drama.
After an update that upgraded 219 packages, I used a mount -a command to mount my NAS shares, and that worked just fine. No problem accessing the NAS from that workstation.
So, except for my main laptop, everything else I've updated this morning has worked without a problem. So I'm gonna answer the survey based on that. I've swapped my Xfce laptop for my Plasma laptop on its stand, and am going to wait for the public release of Solus Plasma 6 before I reinstall the OS on my main laptop. I can use Xfce just fine until then, and I'm hoping that I might not need to go to that extreem.