penny-farthing I think you misunderstood me. I only ask that you mention/ping TraceyC (She is the maintainer of hplip) in github issue (like you mention my username on github). It is not related to networking at all. 😅


    Since nearly 4 years I work with Solus on my computer, I've just installed the packages hplip and hplip-drivers and I use simple-scan for scanning my documents without any problems until recently, as explained in this post.


      Sorry for the confusion, these are just some of the surprises a numeric translator can throw at you. 😄

      Anyway, I mentioned this info into the GitHub issue.

      penny-farthing Since nearly 4 years I work with Solus on my computer, I've just installed the packages hplip and hplip-drivers and I use simple-scan for scanning my documents without any problems until recently, as explained in this post.

      this may even be beyond hp and something happened recently that had a big big ripple effect re: the law of unintended consequences when it came to scanners & printers lately. it's too many stories/threads like this on a short timeline. far more than the ordinary and certainly not coincidence.

      it's not conspiratorial, it's a bad marriage of a handful of elements whose effects/origins haven't been tracked down yet because only a minority of general print & scan users (all hp, brother, epson in my observation) are effected.

      I have fought these wars in linux (printer & scanner) for years until I caught a break: solus packaged the printer drivers and flatpak packaged the scanner drivers. but no one's hardware lasts forever so I keep a close eye on the abundance of these threads re: "It always worked this way, now it doesn't" is another wrinkle in these threads for sure.
      spitballing and speculating, of course.


        I've read your comment and I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. My approach in this post was simply to find out if the problem I was experiencing on my HP printer/scanner was an isolated case or if it was a more general problem. This problem has now been brought up through an issue on GitHub and the developer concerned is working on it.

        Your experience in the IT field allows you to have a relevant look at all kinds of situation encountered (and in particular on the one I mentioned in this post) and it's for me always interesting to read.

          penny-farthing there's no misunderstanding--all good. I didn't see it as an isolated case but more of a trend; and all the words were my own observation on your issue.
          glad you filed a bug. glad you can scan with gscan even though its not the quality you want.
          🙂: my 'experience in the IT field' is none, just the school of hard knocks when one commits to linux life as a layman and insists on peripheral devices🙂

          brent Its everybody chippin in and not losing composure because something isnt right
          and sticks with it which in turn improves Solus.
          And our wonderful software Devs
          I got it on good authority I make these threads to

            Axios I got it on good authority I make these threads to

            🙂 I've been told the same thing!

            it's coming from a good place though. people need their stuff to work and if you can point 'em in the right direction that's the best. linux is far from windows with some stuff but that's its charm


            This is good news. 😊
            So I'm waiting for this patch to be upgraded to stable to confirm that the problem is now resolved and close this post.
            PS. You will have to be a little patient, @EbonJaeger in his last post not predicting new Solus updates before week 13.

            In the meantime, thanks to all those who helped achieve this fine result, and in particular to @TraceyC and @alfisya . 👏

            13 days later



            After treatment of Solus updates for week 13, I can confirm that simple-scan behaves again as before its update of 02/16/2024, i.e. that the scanning of several pages in a single PDF document is possible.

            However, I noticed a curious thing:

            • when we select "single page" (single page), we can chain the scanning of the pages without generating error message;
            • on the other hand, when we select "Multiple pages from a flat scanner" (multiple pages from a flat scanner), after scanning of each page appears this error message "impossible to start scanning" (unable to start scanning) that you just have to validate and then scan the next page, which is rather a curious behavior.

            Anyway, in the current state of things, it is still satisfactory, because it's important to have an application that can scan multiple pages in the same document, in particular for administrative procedures.
            And thank you for your responsiveness and efficiency.

              penny-farthing on the other hand, when we select "Multiple pages from a flat scanner" (multiple pages from a flat scanner), after scanning of each page appears this error message "impossible to start scanning" (unable to start scanning) that you just have to validate and then scan the next page, which is rather a curious behavior.

              I just tried this with my HP all-in-one and was did not see any error. I scanned multiple pages from the flatbed with that option.

              Something you can try is to run

              Does it tell you that the driver plugin for HPLIP 3.23.12 is already installed?
              If it isn't, go ahead and install it.

              If the plugin is already installed, the problem is an upstream bug, unfortunately. You can search the HPLIP bug tracker to see if there is an issue that matches yours.

              If the problem only happens with Simple Scan, and not other software, it may be a bug in Simple Scan.
              You might try running it in debug mode, see the instructions here.
              You could also look through the simple-scan issue tracker. This issue looks similar.

                I just did a reinstall of Solus 4.5 Gnome last week and have an Officejet Pro 6978. I installed hplip using the repositories (after switching to xorg) and then ran hp-setup. I had some problems with connecting to the printer but ran hp-plugin and the problems were fixed.

                To make a long story short, the app in the repositories called "document scanner" works perfectly for me. I was able to scan multiple page documents double sided from the tray with no problems.

                I get an error running hp-setup in wayland but everything is good after I install in xorg and move back to wayland.

                I don't know f any of this is relevant, but it is my experience.


                  Thanks for sharing your experience. This is helpful.


                  So, I've installed hp-plugin and whether it is immediately after installation or after reboot, the situation remains unchanged when simple-scan uses the option "Pages multiples depuis un numériseur à plat" (multiple pages from a flat scanner), the error message "Impossible de démarrer la numérisation" (impossible to start scanning) after scanning of each page.
                  However, the latest Solus update means that we no longer get blocked on the first page scanned, which is already satisfying.

                  NB. The software Skanpage no longer produces any error message since this last update Solus.

                  Below, the result of a simple-scan use test in debug mode (I scanned a page 3 times to enter the same PDF document):

                  I remain at your disposal.