Simple scenario, just want to know what to be prepared for.
When you shut down 3P that's the end ofms core fonts
. I need them for work and any future solus install.
They don't exist as a flatpak.
Question 1: what are my options?
Question 2. If I keep Solus on my HDD another 5 years, and the 3P page is long gone...I can just keep this functioning ms font package on? no harm, no foul, no update, no danger, no repercussion or unintended consequences because I have an installed packaged that is no longer available?
thanks for any flashlight🙂
EDIT: I mean in theory I have in my possession the solus ms core fonts eopkg..I can back that up and use eopkg
to reinstall it in any Solus install right? Untileopkg