
I can confirm that this also worked for me, installing kquickimageeditor after installing skanpage.

EbonJaeger I still have the bug with the workspace switcher on Budgie. If I click on the icon of a program in a different workspace, nothing happens. I have to click on the blank space around the icon to move to that workspace. I assume this is a Budgie bug but wanted to note it here too.

    This sync didn't pop up for me initially. GNOME Software didn't show any system updates (yes I know G/S and Discover are unsupported and experimental in Solus at the moment. I'm using it at my own risk / discretion). But it also didn't show up when I ran sudo eopkg upgrade. eopkg historyshowed that the repository was updated, but updates just didn't appear.

    I was able to fix it and here's what I did:
    sudo eopkg delete-cache
    sudo eopkg rdb
    Finally I checked for updates in the usual fashion and they appeared again.

    brent @EbonJaeger

    sudo requirement for reboot did not persist after 2nd reboot. We're back toreboot now. It worked itself out.

    No errors it started

    99 packages (1,49 GiB) were processed at last Solus update and nothing to report so far.

    I just note that LibreOffice made a jump in the numbering of its version: we went from the to the

      As it happens sometims, Firefox freezed my laptop, but during the update... After hard reboot I got a message along the lines of "something went wrong, please contact system administrator". I rebooted, hit e to add the single option at boot. Tried eopkg up but it couldn't fetch files. Tried ping google.com, didn't work. Tried to rollback, didn't work (no network). Then I checked the NetworkManager status:
      systemctl status NetworkManager.service
      It was enabled but not running, so I started it with
      systemctl start NetworkManager.service
      and ping was working, hurray! So I could eopkg up and the system was fixed upon reboot. Quite a rollercoaster. Lesson learned: next times I'll check the forum for the update before running it, with all apps closed.

      Heroic Games Launcher menu is missisng after update.
      I can run the games from task bar but don`t see any entries, no shop no library etc.
      Checked on KDE x11, wayland and budgie.
      All the same

        Here's a weird one. I opened up Libreoffice calc after the update and the fonts looked wrong (liberation sans).

        Installed the "Liberation" package and everything looks normal again.

        I've never had to install this package before.

          riffer that is weird.
          I opened up Libre Calc = no Liberation available in pulldown
          I opened up Libe Writer = no Liberation available in pulldown
          I opened up OnlyOffice = I could set to Liberation; it was available

          so I don't need to reinstall Liberation they are there. But why doesn't Libre see them? aren't Libre office and OnlyOffice looking for fonts in that same folder??
          weirdness you are right


          Thanks, it works.
          I didn`t know Heroic is xhromium based.

          riffer Here's a weird one. I opened up Libreoffice calc after the update and the fonts looked wrong (liberation sans).

          Installed the "Liberation" package and everything looks normal again.

          I noticed the same with Libreoffice Writer. Thank you riffer for sharing the solution. 🙂