
Does anyone run Hikari or LabWC desktops on Solus? These are Wayland-based minimalist compositors. The latter is very similar to Openbox.

I wonder if someone could share the steps needed to make (preferably) Hikari or LabWC a fully functional system. Sort of like Budgie but very lightweight. So there's the bottom panel, notifications and everything else.

P.S. My impression is that these are the two most mature minimalist non-tiling desktops for Wayland, but correct me if I am missing something.

I am not using any of those. But from quick glance on their repo, it seem Hikari will be a pain to run on solus. It uses niche versioning tools(darcs), BSD centric build tool (bmake). Both of them are not available in Solus repo.
LabWC in other hand seems pretty straightforward, you can try following their build instruction here. I think we have all the dependencies, might be wrong tho.

    alfisya I think I could build it, but I don't have the expertise to make it a complete desktop.

    Yeah, me neither. There must be tutorial somewhere, it shouldn't be that different for solus. Sway is available in repo. I think someone is using it right now.

    17 days later

    if its a good new for you solus has all the packages necessary to compile labwc, but you have to keep in mind isn't supported by the team of solus

      14 days later

      Facundo-c-c Good news indeed. Could you share the steps you took to turn labwc into a complete system? Can it be used with Budgie's bottom bar instead of Waybar?

      I am looking for something Wayland-driven and light.

      5 days later

      noise617 LabWC spin coming up?

      brent looks like it's in the works

      No, it is highly unlikely to become a formal edition. We also have bspwm, fluxbox, openbox, i3, sway etc. Just because it is in the repository does not mean it will be getting its own edition. In fact some of these WM have been dead for close to a decade and should be removed.

        was just leaving an edit for @davidjharder that said "do I have that right" when you confirmed.
        did not desire to post anything inaccurate, thank you

        Harvey speaking of those WMs, once Nvidia gets explicit sync implemented in all of the Wayland components (the last real piece before they have comparable Wayland support to Intel and AMD) and we have the driver stuff all sorted it's highly likely that we'll do a spring cleaning on some of the old X11-only WMs that are unsupported upstream. Likely only i3 will remain as it's the only one that has any real user base, and even it's days will be numbered as eventually we'll only want Wayland-native ones.

        Just a general FYI to people who may be looking at some of those old WMs. Maybe don't get too attached to bwspm...

        8 days later

        Just an observation: the niche of lightweight stacking WM in currently free in Wayland desktops, more or less. (I personally badly need something like this but am forced to use Sway when traveling.)