I have been addicted to gaming since the early 80's when I got my first C64. Since then there was no way back. Even when I switched to Linux in 1999 and did my gaming (and people thought I was crazy to do so) by playing Unreal Tournament and so forth on it.

Today gaming on Linux is easy with a great help from Valvet/Steam/Proton. So what do your gaming list looks like?

This is the list of games I have installed on my Solus OS:

  • Against the Storm
  • Age of Wonders 4
  • Marvel's Midnight Suns
  • Pathfinder: wotr
  • Stellaris
  • Warhammer 40.000 - Rogue Trader
  • Xcom 2

    SethStorm666 So what do your gaming list looks like?

    My gaming list is short: Spider Solitaire (Aisleriot), Shisen-sho (Kshisen), and Mahjongg (gnome-Mahjongg).

    These are all in the Solus repo, they're all native to Linux, and I use them to keep my mind active. The only things I ever kill are playing cards and Mahjongg tiles.

    Left 4 Dead 2 is my main love. But I have also been playing Insurgency Sandstorm here and there and Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 scenarios through OpenRCT2.

    This thread has some previous discussion on the topic (or a closely related one): https://discuss.getsol.us/d/9175-game-of-the-week

    Currently I play the following games on Solus (on and off in some cases):

    Core Keeper
    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
    Potion Craft: Alchemy Simulator
    Warhammer: Chaosbane (though my friends and I are basically finished with it and have started playing Smallands instead [on Windows currently, but it should work on Solus after I reclaim some disk space])

    Close to 600 games on Steam, almost 500 more obtained for free via other services according to heroic-games-launcher plus whatever I own through battlenet and a heap of games for the Atari 2600 and Sega Mega Drive II (Sold as Genesis in the USA). Yeah I have a few games πŸ˜›

    Currently installed:
    • Baldur's Gate 3
    • Cyberpunk 2077
    • God of War
    • Hades
    • Pathfinder: Kingmaker
    • Red Dead Redemption 2


      I "only" got 300 games in my Steam. I have a habit of impulse buy something on sale πŸ˜›.

      • Overwatch 2 (Main)
        Suprisingly OW gets better performance on Linux than on Windows
        I average 200 fps on Linux while on Windows I barely get 160 lol
      • Fallout: New Vegas
      • Left 4 Dead

      Are what I'm enjoying right now

      Pls help (Overwatch main POV)

      Don't have time for gaming...
      But I have like 3h per weekend so now i'm on King Arthur Knights Tale and it's such a great game!

      I'm playing Into the Breach again, if you like strategy games at all you owe it to yourself to play this one 😁

      I play Fishing Planet and Left 4 Dead 1 & 2. Sadly my RX 550 is not good enough for better gaming.

      Those are the games I play currently:
      Final Fantasy XIV
      Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster
      Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition
      (Fantasy Life on the 3DS)

      I don't always play many different games, but when I do, I prefer Doom, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. And that there, makes me the most uninteresting man in the world. A belated welcome by the way!

      13 days later

      One of the main things I do on Solus is gaming. I own about 700 to 800 games across the platforms and around 60 of them are installed right now.

      Here is a selection of recent activity:

      • CS2
      • The Division
      • Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered (re-master again)
      • DayZ
      • Diablo 4
      • Project Zomboid
      • Outward
      • Deep Rock Galactic
      • Bastion (near finished)
      • Absolute Drift (lately mastered)
      • GTA5 (mission to finish, currently at 50%)
      • Brawlhalla

      and the newcomer this week were:

      • Star Wars Jedi fallen order
      • Chorus
      • Iron Harvest
      • Thronefall

      looking forward to try them out next weekend.

      I would like to play Battlefield too but the latest install 2042 isn't compatible (#anticheat).
      Battlefield 5 and 1 are sometimes kind of fun but don't scratch the itch. 4 and 3 are hard to find good servers.

      My all time favourite Bad Company 2 was shutdown in December 2023 by EA and I was shocked, that it was even missing from my EA library! But they brought it back, just this week I discovered it again and were glad, that at least I am able to play the offline campaign again. heard about some community driven organisation to play multiplayer again. Will try that soon.

        Animpacz I own about 700 to 800 games across the platforms and around 60 of them are installed right now.

        Wow! Sounds like someone has a lot of free time!

        DOOM Eternal currently halfway through Nightmare mode. Runs great on Solus.
        On Steam I also got Risk of Rain 2 / TF2 / Psychonauts up and running, and on Heroic Games Launcher I have the arena shooter Diabolical installed. Small population but fun game.
        I'm actually recording my playthrough of Eternal, I'm playing through the whole series and I'm almost done. I brought the OBS recording of the first half from my previous install now I'm gonna finish it off on Solus. Feels good man

        I just bought "Mind over Magic" on Steam. It's like Sims/ish but you have to build a magic school up from the ground and educate new wizard student. Quite entertaining.

        used to be a tekken/racing game fiend; body count sniping games were never my thing seemed like bad karma (yeah I know it's a cartoon with a controller) but I got Galaga for that and at least they are dead killer aliensπŸ™‚.
        this kind of stuff for adrenaline and sharpness lately float my boat:

        4 colums I can usually nail in 5 minutes. any more than that ugh.

        brent, mayor of borington

        I like playing supertuxkart(but there are almost no players online),minetest(but too hard),teeworlds(but not support Chinese),,,,,,my fav game is ddnet(perfect 2d game,DDraceNetwork),but it is not on solus. :

        Currently Installed :

        Did I play any of them ? Pfft, is that even a question?