@SlowNicoFish , thanks for the additional detail and for providing one of the videos. I've tested the video with the media players I have installed (SMPlayer, VLC, mpv and Haruna). I only see the color defect with Haruna, and only if hardware decoding is enabled.
Haruna uses mpv as a back end. Since the problem doesn't happen with mpv, this points to something Haruna is doing wrong.
In VLC, I ensured gpu decoding was forced on
In SMPlayer I also enabled hardware gpu decoding
It seems that the bug is specific to Haruna. It looks to be choosing the wrong codec or deinterlacing for this video. I suggest taking a look at the Haruna project page. There's a link to the bug list for it. Take a look through. If you don't find your issue there the page also has a link to reporting bugs for Haruna.
Regarding VLC, that's a separate issue. I didn't see the color problem Haruna has, nor did I see that green bar. Doing a brief web search I saw recommendations to try different options in
Tools > Preferences > Video > Output. Mine is set to Automatic. OpenGL also displays the video properly. Play around with those and see if one works with this.
Good luck 🙂