Axios Does the filemanager in budgie still handle desktop or is it different now?
I think budgie settings does. I know that's strange to say. using the desktop as a gigantic scratchpad is something I like to do and my WIN days the whole desktop was covered with files and folders. my head is always churning like yours. I have routed such debris such as gedit thoughts, pictures, etc into a lone desktop folder. and nothing more. I always feel solus kind of nudged me in that direction of good housekeeping. kind of.
where I work a person has a picture of Einstein and his quote on her/his door (never met them) with words on the top and bottom like a meme. Top says "If a cluttered desktop is the sign of a cluttered mind" then under the picture:
"what then is the sign of an empty desktop?" 🙂
WetGeek Along those lines, how do you like Nemo compared to Thunar? I was pretty impressed by it, to be honest.
I disagree with axios as I don't think caja is at nemo level--but I didn't use Mate that long so I could be wrong. nautilus, again, was the gold standard until its immolation. dolphin of course is genius like nautilus was and still ticking.
Nemo is the perfect Nautllus replacement and I'm happy with it. When I don't have to fight anything I'm happy with it🙂.
(your own criteria is ability to recognize nas, shares, etc and that's important for a file manager).
But Thunar? I'll be completely honest.
In two weeks I went from Meh to LOVE it. It's neat and compact. And I'm confident using it and its settings. I believe it has extracted a .zip and a tarball for me so plugins are sound for my needs. Not sure if it has a picture re-sizer like Nemo but I haven't pressed it yet.
I think it's on par with Nemo and beter that Caja.