
Axios A low(ish) power CPU with a troublesome graphics card is not a good combination. I try to keep intel i3 as my minimum spec for a 'keeper'.
The X11 graphics fix should work ok for everything except for Wayland on that machine, we will just have to wait for the Wayland fix.
The flickering you experienced is only in the Firefox?
That could just be because it is the environment where the cursor does the most milage.
When I was testing I ended up marking the point on my screen with a masking tape pointer so that I could relocate the place that caused the flickering quickly with different programs running.
Changing the refresh frequency certainly changes the characteristics of the flicker but does not remove it.
I wonder if the problem is just an outdated graphics driver built into the kernel, mine is listed as i915. Frankly out of my depth at that point but it still interests me that the contents of the X11 fix file did not need details of specific patches, only an identifier as "Intel-Graphics" and a driver as "intel". Seems like there are a few parts here that are not joining the dots.

    BuzzPCSOS Welllll my experience with the .conf files is alot the info the syntax is wrong
    people dont do their research before coming out with these command web pages..

    Did couple times on desktop but firefox was the main issue.

    Driver is (Iris) or (intel) depending what file and Gen you are working with not i915 is the gpu
    This page is good for the intel graphic gens
    Some of the current newer stuff the kernel handles it mostly.

    The skinny of Had use 2 files 20-intel.conf and 20-modesettings.conf and by testing and tuning
    the settings in both tend to interact somewhat sometimes.
    Syntax and commands different for each.

    The files in etc/x11/xorg.conf.d overide the ones in usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d
    gotta watch that I deleted them in second and put them in the first.

    I had a thread I started but got no reply so deleted Found online that the modestting was good for both
    x11 and wayland wanted to know if that was correct or not.
    (So if thats the case may be an avenue for wayland)

    When I went to software cursor cured most but had fine tune and add couple things in both files .But I see that
    wayland I think already uses software cursor. (From what I c online people complaining issues with that dunno)

    Hope didnt confuse and maybe something in there that gets you thinking.
    But your understanding appears on course with from what I learned My first time really dealing with this in
    deep detail.

    My biggest thought that 20-intel.conf and 20-modestting.conf would mess with each other and load one or the other but appears not the case

    It was a journey
    Note: The above is of course for X but might give some understanding in the case of wayland and I know
    they are two different animals.

    Just tested again it was consistent failures before ---Everything appears still working.---YA

      Axios Thanks for your thoughts and insights. Wayland being so new - there is not much chatter on how to patch unwanted behaviour. Looking around there are plenty of threads dealing with the same flicker on Microsoft OSs so at least we are not the only ones. ;-)

        BuzzPCSOS I made mouse flicker good and blank screen and what ever else you wanted with 20-Modesetting.conf then I added the 20-intel.conf and it stopped then fine tuned abit.
        So go
        I think its more like this 20-intel.conf you setup the-- driver then 20-modesetting.conf-- opengl
        (But not 100% sure) two step process
        Oh well it worked

        Cheers got things to do.

          Axios Figures, I never went the way of 20-Modesetting.conf only ever used the 20-intel.conf fix. Worked flawlessly with my Intel HD Graphics 620 card on X11.
          Glad you are mostly sorted at your end.

          Been pondering why I had to do what I did and not really sure but does not matter much
          Update: graphics have been working great no issues matter of fact the quality clarity and overall
          rendering is great now.

          Might just be this cheaper ideapad I dont think the lenovo thinkpad i5 is doing it tho its hooked to an external monitor with dock station.

          Axios Have I been blanked? :-))
          Noticed you had some issues with this weeks updates. Those Intel Hd Graphics are really having a tough time. I wonder if there is a choice of graphics firmware that always works well with Linux. I thought I was buying into something that was virtually bombproof when I saw Intel on the graphics spec. Nothing too spectacular, just does it's job right. Well wrong obviously now.
          Issues seem to be mostly fixed out of the box on some other distros so I am sure the Solus team will make a magic job of putting this behind us very soon.

            BuzzPCSOS I Dunno
            Checked my t420 thinkpad its working great updates and all.

            a month later

            Issue is fixed.
            Latest updates on Solus Plasma (wayland) appear to have now fixed the screen flicker without any further intervention on my part. Thank you all for your help and support.

            2 months later

            Tx for the tip! I just upgraded to Fedora 40 and XWayland, and so I had the same issue also in DaVinciResolve. So I ran xrandr and also saw that the capability of my graphics card was just below 60 : 59.8 so I changed the refresh rate in kde plasma from 60 -> 50 and the screen flicker is gone gone gone... Amazing!

            Tx and have a nice day!

              OndrejPopp Well I hope it continues to work for you, another post by me a little further down pointed out that I had been too quick to celebrate and the flicker still remained.
              For me it was an update that fixed the flicker. Probably a move to a newer version of wayland or the kernel.
              Since the update all all my settings have remained on default values and the flicker has not returned. So it could be that you owe thanks to an update rather than me.
              Really glad to hear that everything is working well regardless.

              Edit: For reference these were the updates that were applied directly before the flicker stopped.