Hello Devs,
I have an issue with this week's sync.
I was unable to sync at all.
I did the usual "sudo eopkg up"
it shows updating the usual 2 files ... eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum and the other one
it kind of "hung there" for 3 mins, I couldn't move my mouse.
it did not proceed to the download phase.
after which I had to reboot.
after rebooting, i did sudo eopkg up again.
this time round, it outputs :
"Updating repositories
Updating repository: Solus
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete]
Solus repository information is up-to-date.
No packages to upgrade."
Kindly advise what is the issue here.
Thank you.
UPDATE 1 : I did a sudo eopkg dc
After which I did sudo eopkg up
, it says
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete]
Solus repository information is up-to-date.
Program terminated.
Error parsing repository index information. Index file does not exist or is malformed.
Please help.
UPDATE 2 : Thanks for pomon, Justin and stalebread over at Matrix, I managed to resolve the issue.
For my own reference, this is what I did (credits to pomon)
sudo eopkg rr Solus
sudo eopkg up
Justin mentioned that it could be an issue with the CDN server.
alternatively, we could also (credits to Justin)
sudo rm /var/lib/eopkg/index/Solus/eopkg-index*
sudo eopkg ur