Gaditone looking for a tiling window manager + guide
I once installed i3 on a Solus Budgie system, so unless something's changed since then, it should still be possible. What desktop environment (DE) is your Solus system? You would probably start with a Budgie system, which is not a bad idea for someone new to Solus, then install i3. After that, you'll be able to choose which desktop you want when you log on.
If you're not familiar with using a terminal, you could install i3 from the Software Center, and I'm guessing that if you did a search there for i3 you would also find any documentation that might be available for it. If you're okay with a terminal, the command would be sudo eopkg it i3 -y
Gaditone (Any other random Solus tips also welcome)
We've got a million of those, but it's better to ask the forum for help when you need it. Otherwise, nobody would know what random Solus tips might help you, or just be something you already know. Another suggestion would be to visit this forum often. You'll read about others' questions, and often they will interest you into trying the software they're talking about. Often people ask questions like, "What's the best music player"? And you might realize that you're interested in the answer, too.
That said, I can start you off with one that I know might help you. Since Solus distributes four DEs, an answer to a call for help often depends on which one of those four you're using. For example, if you ask how to create some virtual desktops, the instructions about how to do that would be entirely different, depending on your DE. You could be using Budgie, GNOME, or Plasma. There's also MATE--for now--but that's in the process of being replaced by Xfce. I wouldn't recommend getting started with MATE at this time. Besides, Xfce is a lot better DE.
The virtual desktops I used in that exampe are extremely useful, but I can't begin to tell you how to create some, because I don't know what DE you're using, just that you're using Solus OS.