User_007 Just want to describe my workaround with the horrible looking qt5-app theming on budgie.
I just installed kvantum manager, choose the KvArc theme(KvQogir can be picked at gnome-look, which is also nice) and selected kvantum in qt5ct. Furthermore edited the ~/.profile with export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct and thats it.
I never heard about kvantum manager.
My workaround for qbittorrent is alias in .bashrc
alias qb='QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct qbittorrent 2>/dev/null &'
So now I am launching qbittorrent from the terminal. With light theme, but at least it's usable. No proper tray icon here.
I was trying to create a launcher with MenuLibre but without success..