JoshStrobl @evert Unfortunately it wouldn't have been viable to port over accounts from the old forums, but at least we're consolidating around accounts on our Development Tracker (should someone desire to sign up with that).
kyrios Hurrah !!!! \o/ Finally I am free, no more boring spam filtering work to do ! 😀 Thank you so much @JoshStrobl
oiichka With the new forums, what happens to all information on the old forums? Does it integrate with this new forum?
JoshStrobl oiichka No, it's two completely different systems (phpBB v.s. Flarum). The old forum content will no longer exist.
JoshStrobl @kyrios You no longer have to do spam filtering alone! There's also some extensions I can enable in the future should it start becoming a problem.
JoshStrobl @onderbakirtas I'll take that as a compliment 😃 Christoph3 Yea Dark Mode is certainly one of my most favorite features.
onderbakirtas JoshStrobl Budgie is the reason why I returned to the Linux world after all. And hey, this forum system is so cool, dark mode is great, maybe the best dark mode implementation. Looks like we are gonna spend a lot of time here. 😀
elfprince Would it be a good idea to group all the replies to a post under that post, instead of at the bottom? Would make things much clearer IMHO. [EDIT] Just noticed the feature.....Hovering the mouse over a reply brings up the original post. Neat!
JoshStrobl @elfprince Not sure what you mean but that sort of feedback should be directed to the Flarum developers 🙂
JoshStrobl @elfprince Yea I'm going to fix the hover for action system. I did for posts but for replies it didn't apply. I want them to always show up. Edit: Fixed!