Hello greetings.
I would like to be directed to the site (wiki, Repository...) that guides me how to do a minimal installation of Solus with Hyprland as its window tiling composer
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There's not minimal installation of Solus.
You can get solus releases here: https://getsol.us/download/
A quick search brings to the github project of Hyprland
- Best Answerset by jhmorenof
Hi jhmorenof, welcome to the forum.
We don't have hyprland packaged. We do have sway
which is similar (though not a replacement).
Thanks, it is possible. Please give me the URL to solus Sway repo.
Just install like the Budgie ISO and then install the sway package (and any other sway related packages you may want). You can remove Budgie afterwards or just keep it as a backup. Once you install Sway you should see it appear as an option in the login manager (lightdm).
Thank you, I have been a Solus user for a few years. I have installed Sway and it is now very functional. I will continue customizing
Someone a few months ago was interested in packaging Hyprland but never followed through with it. We're not opposed to having Hyprland in the repos (assuming someone steps up to package and maintain it).
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Solus with Hyprland (Stepahan Raabe ML4W) and Immutable would upset the Linux spin. Still waiting for the V though.