kro (sorry I answer a wrong topic, and I can't delete this message)

Yes, that's a relatively new problem with the forum. Before, if I answered a post, and then read farther and realized that my answer wasn't relevant, I used to be able to delete it, but no longer. That change is less than useful, and certainly seems to be quite unnecessary.

    5 days later

    I wanted to address this, since there was some pain expressed. There was also second hand speculation about the admins reasoning for the decision, in the thread this was split from.

    The restriction on editing and deleting a post is not new. It was a decision that the Solus Team made when we migrated to Flarum. The reasoning was: since Flarum did not allow us to see post history, editing could be abused. (Note: There had been a request to add post history to Flarum that was rejected).

    Imagine this:

    • A troll joins the forums and posts something rude about someone / something. Or about you.
    • People reply, calling them out. Someone alerts the mods.
    • The troll edits the post to look benign, or deletes it.

    The problem here is twofold.
    1 - The responses now make no sense. This creates further confusion and argument.
    2 - The mods may not have had time to take a screenshot of the original post. There may be no evidence to justify moderating the bad faith poster.

    We do realize this is an inconvenience to the majority of you who are posting in good faith. At the time of the migration, we decided that relatively minor inconvenience was unfortunately necessary to avoid the forums being ruined by trolls. (Personally, I envy people who haven't had to deal with this kind of troll on the Internet).

    With that said, it's been some time since the forums were migrated. We're looking to see if there's a plugin that will allow us to keep post history. If we can get that going, we can allow edits and deletes again. I can't promise anything aside from assuring you that we hear you, and we're seeing what we can do.