Then a noob chimed in ... sounds like the start of a bad joke. However, this noob completely enjoys using Solus. Out of all distro hopping I've done, Solus is the one to stay. It looks and feels polished, the package manager, Budgie luuuvin', etc.
To me it works like a charm, but I understand that there's improvement on the way from a more technical point of view. After reading the 'A New Voyage' and 'State of Solus August 2023' blogs, I understand you want to move to something 'new tooling'.
What does the tooling part mean? How this sounds to my ears is like my car that's running perfectly fine in my opinion, but the mechanic says, "Yea, but your engine is about to explode". "But it's running fine". "But your engine is about to explode".
To me Solus is running fine, but the devs says, "Yea, but it would be nice to get new tooling". I imagine something like software management through more efficient and capable software and/or services? As in your 'tools'? How should interpret basing Solus on Serpentine for new tooling with a 'physical world' example. If that's even possible.