Hello dear Team of Solus !!

I am glad that everything is working proper. And we are "back in old school" !!

Am stunning about calculator in actual Gnome-Version of Solus 4.4 ?!

A week ago calculator (adjusted to scientific and finance-calculation) was stopping at calculation of : 100 ** 1000 ?! This was as number "to big" for calculator ?

Now after update one week ago it is no problem to calculate this :
100 ** 100.000.000 And this lasts "only" eleven minutes with my two cores laptop of 2012 (build-year). But I be better cautious and do not try to calculate :
100 ** (one billion). Otherwise the processor could melt ...

Namely this would last 110 minutes here at least ?!

But what I want to know is - is this due to updated package of calculator one week ago ?
Or is this due to my installation for Python3 with some packages like :

1.) pip3 install numpy
2.) pip3 install matplotlib
3.) pip3 install sympy
4.) pip3 install scipy

... in this correct order ?!
I do not know by what calculator was "updated" or "tuned up" ?!
Thanks in advance for hint about this Python3 topic !!
How can I find this out by myself ?
(... or am I docked to a Q-Computer ? ...)

    DirtyAngel Can't see anything relevant that was changed. The math libs that the calculator relies on are still the same version, and I don't see anything in the changelog.
    Old version of the app also supports it just fine (when "Scientific" number format was set). Are you sure you also had "Scientific" set when you tried it last week? When you set it to e.g. "Automatic", even with the current version of gnome-calculator, it still shows the error.

    Those python libs should not influence gnome-calculator in any way as far as I can see (also be careful about installing such modules system-wide)