The mbpfan package is no longer maintained or included with Solus. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting your Macbook Pro fans working. I'm pretty new to linux. If you see anything that needs to be addressed please let me know!
Find Your Fan Maximum and Minimum Speeds
Open your terminal and type the following commands. Make note of the outputs.
cd /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/
cat fan*_min
cat fan*_max
Find your Systems Max Temp
In your terminal, input the following command.
cat /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.*/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_max
Divide the output by 1000. For example, if the output is 105000, your max temp is 105.
Install Development Tools
We need to install the tools needed to compile from source:
Make sure the system is update sudo eopkg upgrade
Install system.devel sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
Download and Extract mbpfan
Download the .zip from Github: linux-on-mac/mbpfan
Extract the file
cd ~/Downloads'
Make, Install, and Test the Install
Run the following commands one at a time:
cd mbpfan-master
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo make tests
You should now have mbpfan installed and ready for configuring.
Configure mbpfan
sudo nano /etc/mbpfan.conf
Set the value of your min fan speed, max fan speed, and max temp. Do not set the max temp above the value you obtained earlier. Save and exit.
Make mbpfan a System Service
cd back in to the mbpfan-master folder in your Downloads folder and run the following commands:
sudo cp mbpfan.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable mbpfan.service
Reboot your system.
Open terminal and input ps aux | grep mbpfan
. If there is a line ending in /usr/sbin/mbpfan you should be all set up.
Original instructions from: a beginner's tutorial for mbpfan under ubuntu