so I am using eopkg
I never heard of Doflicky but I found out its a feature in the software center, I haven't used solus much, since I am new to this distro of linux. if you type that into the terminal or search it for apps it brings up nothing, which is why I was wondering about it, I haven't look into it much but I will if it helps make sure the drivers are correctly install on my pc and laptop, I plan on installing it to my ASUS republic of gamers laptop, but I just haven't yet, going to have to make sure its red lighted keyboard works with the brightness keys first before I install it, I don't think I need any drivers besides the default ones, and the nvidia drivers, since even that laptop I own has nvidia hardware in it.
install nvidia drivers by using terminal sudo eopkg install nvidia-glx-driver-common nvidia-glx-driver-current
now its installing two NVidia drivers and one Wayland driver, do I need to install anything else for the NVidia rtx 2070 3D card, I know there been some problems with Wayland and NVidia drivers, like in plasma and gnome sessions logins with it under other distro's also do I need to run any secure boot commands for the NVidia drivers to bootup in the secure boot on mode under solus 4.4 like kubuntu or others that require stuff for the secure boot mode to allow the kernel modules to work in the startup Linux kernel while having secure boot on with Linux? I was just wondering if I need to do more than just install the NVidia drivers? I heard you can also use the software center to do this, but I am used to installing some software titles with the terminal, I do sometimes use software center or others like snap store, but I don't use that a lot. I don't need a old NVidia driver pretty sure it works with the current NVidia drivers, same for my newer 3D it should work for NVidia rtx 3070 too if and when I dual boot Linux on my newer pc, if I choose to do this in the future, I am not sure how well solus installer does dual booting stuff which is why for now, I am not trying that. I used X11 and wayland sessions but in other distros with nvidia drivers I notice screen glitches with the wayland sessions while using the nvidia drivers on some of the other linux current distros.
I am also going to want to install stuff like google chrome, and edge browser in solus, I been able to install those browsers in some of the distros I tried, other stuff I be trying to install would be stuff like open source epic games launchers, and other wine related stuff, calibre for my ebooks collection also have a kindle paperwhite device that I use with calibre ebooks like stuff I find from standard ebooks, and public domain free ebooks from project Gutenberg , stuff like vlc player, dosbox, for older games, kodi for video media playback, scummvm for my old Lucas Arts games, well thats all I can think of at this point, I use some of these apps in linux. so I use eopkg or software center to find them, sometimes the google chrome and edge browsers are the hardest stuff to install these days on some of the distro's of linux.