Before I start: I have no idea if the flares are correct but I tried my best. Anyways..
I have been testing Solus in VirtualBox and I must say very nice. As an open source game developer my only two missing workstation components are:
- IntelliJ Idea Community
- Github Desktop
Now I can already see the responses in my mind. "Install it as a snap!" "Install those as a flatpak" "Nah you should use an appimage". Yes, yes I could do this. But the thing is there is an entire portion of the software center completely devoted to third party.
Why IntelliJ Idea Community? Because IntelliJ Idea Community is the free to use version that does not have a 30 day free trial attached to it. It is my daily driver for Java development.
Why Github Desktop? "OI JUST USE GIT/kraken/insert thing here". Well that's because that's just what I've used for years. Others probably have as well. I do not know IF this qualifies as third party since it is open source, but shiftkey's repo is the primary one I have been using for years. Here is a link to it:
I'm sure it can be integrated into the software center somehow.
Anyways, thanks for reading my rabble rabble. It would be amazing to see these two pieces of software find themselves straight in the software center